Monday, July 25, 2011

Space Camp!

Colin was up and ready to go bright and early this morning. He had a good breakfast and we packed his lunch in his new lunch bag and he and John headed off to camp.
He zipped right into the classroom and headed for the play table. When John picked him up he'd had a wonderful time! They spent a little time with all the fun stations in the space section and with the building blocks!

Here's the plan for the week!! Sounds like fun to me!!!

What’s happening in…

Out of this World?

When we look up in the sky we can see a small part of the universe. Learn about the pictures stars make in the sky and create a constellation that you can store in your pocket! We’ll discover what makes up our solar system and even launch our own rockets. What do you know about the Milky Way? Do you wonder what it’s like to exercise in space? Come find out and be a junior astronaut on a summer camp adventure that is out of this world!

Day 1: Astronaut Check-in and Training

Day 2: Spacecrafts

Day 3: The Solar System and Stars

Day 4: Planet Exploration

Day 5: Return to Earth

Monday: Astronaut Check-in and Training

Today we learn how to live in space. What kind of food will we eat? What exercises will we need to do? How do we need to protect our bodies in space? We will be making our own space food and getting our space suits ready for travel.

Tuesday: Spacecraft

Mission Control has given us our mission and it is time to prepare our ship for its trip to Planet X. What parts make up a spaceship? What moves our craft off the ground and into space? We must explore these questions and also experiment with different materials to find out how to make our spaceship before we land on Planet X.

Wednesday: The Solar System and Stars

What does space have in store for us? We will learn some star patterns that are found in the sky to help us navigate as we float through space. We will explore how the moon changes shape and figure out what moves in space and what stays in place. We’ll even get a chance to see the stars we’re learning about in our portable planetarium, Star Lab!

Thursday: Planet Exploration

Blast off! The day has come to begin traveling through space. We will zoom by the planets in our solar system on our way to Planet X and make a map along the way. Once we land on Planet X, we must put on our space suits and gather and test samples that we find on the strange planet.

Friday: Return to Earth

While exploring Planet X we come across life! What does it look like? How do we describe our home to them? Once we have said our good-byes we prepare for our return to Earth by making parachutes to help slow our landing. At home, we will perform many tests to see how our bodies changed while living in space.