Sunday, July 24, 2011

Church, Breakfast and the Library

Everybody was up in time to go to 8:00 this morning, so we headed out. After chatting with folks at coffee hour, we headed to Elmo's for breakfast. All of our usual gang was gone, so we had the table all to ourselves. Was yummy as usual. Headed home and had a nice casual morning with the washer going most of the time. We headed to the library in the afternoon so we could get some books for Colin to read while he is here for Camp this week. It was the first time I had ever been in the children's section of this library. It's got a great collection of books and videos. They also had some cool places for kids to read! My favorite was the igloo!
It's made from milk bottles. Ryan tried it out and it worked great. There was plenty of light in thereto read by. We ended up with 25 books and 6 DVD's. That should keep us busy!

Headed home and looked at a few and then Jill got out a water balloon toy she had bought yesterday at Tuesday Mornings. It was really cool!
And, of course the boys had to try out the water balloons! They worked great too!
Then time for a bath and some stories and then to bed. Big week of camp ahead for Colin and Jill and Ryan will be moving into the house in Va. Beach. John and Jean had been ready to hit the hay most of the afternoon :-)--jet lag can be ugly.