Tuesday, April 2, 2013

The VinaWalk Mall

Rain, rain go away...another cold (low 40s) rainy day.  Jill had her English class today so she dropped us off at the
VinaWalk Mall.  We had been here last year and found it interesting...lots of fun stores...So, come along with us today.  She dropped us off before the stores were open so we ended up at a Starbucks to warm up...yum.
As we walked to the Starbucks this Red Cross Bus was pulling into the open area of the Mall.  Must be a blood donation day.
 A quick stop at the bathroom after Starbucks.  These were the kids.  The toilet was about 2 1/2 feet off the ground.  Very cute.
 Then we headed to the Hobby Store which turned out to be a fabric store.  I thought this was a great way to display alot of buttons in a small amount of space.  Everything in Japan is very compact and efficient as space is at a premium.
Then to the pet store.  They LOVE their pets around here and have stores that totally are geared toward pet clothing, toys and food.
 Doggie Strollers
 Change of hair color??
These are glasses cases..thought they were cute.

Our favorite department store opened.  On the first floor is an incredible grocery store.
 Onions, leeks all sorts of spring onions...
 Asparagus..green and white and broccoli...
 and a tomato section to die for...makes your mouth water!
 Lotus Blossom roots...
 and a dozen + kinds of mushrooms
Meats...the displays are wonderful.
Pre-made fish platters for one
or an omelette to order.
Then on through the floors of the dept store...this T-shirt caught my eye.
Then the fifth floor is all the restaurants 
and their plastic food displays.
Wandered more of the mall and when Jill called saying she was leaving we headed back outside and found one more section where the cinema and the game rooms and the
Train Store were located.  You can rent time to play with this setup. 
 The Japanese schools were out for spring break so it was a busy place!
Lots of N gauge engines and cars to purchase.
then on the way to the pick-up spot we passed
the Red Cross of Japan van...there were a number of folks there.

The rest of the day we pretty much loafed.  Read with the boys when they got home and helped with homework and just hung out.  Jill and Dave had a date night tonight and went out to dinner.  We fixed tacos here and had a good time with the boys.  First time we've had them to ourselves--enjoyed it!  We pretty much followed them to bed ;-)   Another wet, chilly fun day!