Friday, April 12, 2013

Happy Birthday John!

Our last full day in Japan and mysterious things are going on early this morning.  I wonder what these carrots are for?
A little free time before breakfast and Ryan 
is reading to Colin and his cheetah.
 Birthday time---cards for Grandpa!

The boys headed for school and Jill ran some errands while we packed the clothes for China in a suitcase and the remaining clothes in a box to be shipped home.  Did some last minute errands later and then the boys were home before we knew it.  We had a mission for Ryan's teacher....see if we can find tadpoles for his classroom.  Jill teaches his class science every Wed so she was first on the ask list.  We headed to a new park to us where she had heard there were some in the stream.
 The ever present playground at most of the parks
with apparatus that we'd never dream of seeing
in US parks...not safe (?), but sure fun!!
 Then down to the lovely stream meandering
through the park...and yes--LOTS of tadpoles.
Colin and Ryan were great with the net...
 and ended up with a LOT of tadpoles!
 When Dave got home the lawn mowers came out...
party time tomorrow night at the Bairds!
Ryan is a great helper with the yard work!
 Meanwhile, Colin was frosting the carrot cake...
answers the carrot question :-)
 Grandpa got Dave's great thai curry for dinner!
and managed to blow out all the candles!  Lots of
fun presents and OUTSTANDING company!
Happy Birthday Grandpa!