Thursday, April 4, 2013

Sankeien Garden

We had gone to Sankeien Garden last year but only had a few hours to spend so only walked through the Outer Garden.  We all really wanted to return and visit the Inner Garden.  We had a sunny day so we dropped the boys off at school and headed out. The Sankeien Garden was constructed in the early 1900's by Sankel Hara, a successful Yokohama silk businessman.  The inner garden was for their private use while the Outer Garden was for public use beginning in 1906.  There are 17 architectural properties gathered from Kyoto and Kamakura in the inner garden.
 Lots of wonderful ducks in the Outer Garden lake.
 Cherries still in bloom...
 everywhere...the three story pagoda is stunning.
 weeping cherries also.

 Into the Inner Garden and wonderful waterfalls along the trail. 
 A lot of water features here.
 and structural features on the buildings...
 and bridges...

 and gates.
 Great carvings between rooms
 steep steps.  Jill had just passed the the smoke from
the fire was stirred in the sunlight streaming in the window.
 A wonderful place for wedding pictures.
 Lots of camillias.
 Lunch in the garden...
 this was out favorite...soba.

Then home a few minutes before we had to pick up the boys.  It was a lovely morning.  In the afternoon the kids played outside and celebrated the beginning of Spring Break.  The big kids packed for our trip to Nikko tomorrow.  Hope the rain stops!  Very restful day!