Monday, March 25, 2013

Quiet Home Day

Quiet day today.  Rainy, cloudy, cold...generally ugly.  But John and I kept busy in the house.  John worked on pictures, I worked on laundry, Jill had a meeting in the morning and then headed into Tokyo to replace her phone, Dave worked and the boys went to school.  Jean and John had a couple of power naps during the day....jet lag!  John walked down to pick the boys up at 2:15 and then home to do homework.  They hopped right on it.
Colin was measuring things so out came the pretzels to measure.  Ryan was working on the planets and just happened to have a placemat with all of them on it.  They're both doing great in school!  You will note the ironing board in the upper left....Jean's day:-).
 When Ryan was done he took his Lightening McQueen car out on the patio to play and Colin read The Secret of the Seal to me.  It's great being the listener instead of the reader!
Jill got home and she and Colin worked on his Iditarod project.  He was assigned a musher from this year's race and did research about the team and the musher.  He was dictating his results from his notes so he could finish his presentation.

 Meanwhile, Dave was cookin' in the kitchen...YUMMMM!
And Ryan noted that there were some
seedlings popping up in their
wildflower square...good eyes Ryan!
Good Day!