Thursday, March 28, 2013

Japan Open-Air Folk House Museum, BB and Pack 22 Meeting

Up this morning and got the boys off to school and headed to the train station.  We went to Nihon Minkaen to visit the Japan Open-Air Folk House Museum.  The Brochure describes it as "Traditional Japanese architecture is well known around the world for its beauty and functionality, the essence of which is reflected in the design and construction of Japanese folk houses.  To conserve these valuable historic creations from the past, the city of Kawasaki began to relocate them to Minkaen from all over Japan in 1965.  At the present time there are 25 historical buildings, including a shrine and a Kabuki stage.  Additionally, tools and utensils are kept in designated areas to help recreate the past."  There are 25 structures including a Ferryman's hut, Water Mill, a Warehouse and a Kabuki stage.  The main feature, however, are the 18 relocated houses.  They have done a marvelous job of reconstructing them.  They give full information on the house and the family that lived there.  Just a few examples:
Firepit with cover to reflect the heat.
This Warehouse on stilts was located on an island in the Armarmi Archipelago in Kagoshima Prefecture.  The high stilts kept grain stored in the loft dry and safe from rats.  This Takakura was built in late 19th centure.  The support poles had metal strips at the top of the poles to keep out the rodents.
 A lovely flowering peach tree.
 A much simpler fire pit with tatami mats for flooring.
 Intricate thatched roofs.
Clay oven with wooden steamer boxes.
 Thank goodness for the directional signs!
Ferryman's Hut
 Ferryman's small fire pit with teapot.
Kabuki Playhouse
 Hand turntable under the Kabuki house for the stage.
They also had a wonderful indigo dying exhibit.  If we had had more time we could have actually tried out the dying technique, but needed to get back to the train to be back in time to get the boys from school.  It was a wonderful learning experience!

We walked back into town and to the train station.  We found we had just missed the express train so Jill got out her phone and figured the next best route home.  There was a young Japanese woman that asked us where we wanted to go in perfect English...she was from Canada.  Between the two of them they found a much shorter route so we got back to the house early.  But very soon time to pick up Ryan.  Colin had Phonics Club so we picked him up later.  Ryan had Basketball Practice again.  John took him while Jill finished up the gift card for the Coach and then I took that over to practice so folks could sign it.
 Lots of suicides today...
 Today was Coach's last day.  She goes on leave tomorrow
She had some fun goodie bags for the kids...but they
had to make a basket before they could have them.
 One last cheer together before tomorrow's games!

Meanwhile Jill and Colin headed over to the Tower to help prepare for the Pack Meeting tonight.  Jill is the Chair of the Pack so it's kept her busy this year.  Tonight's meeting was a special one as Joe, a Special Advisor will be leaving.  
 But first a welcome to all by the Pack Chairwoman!
Then presentation of awards...Colin and 2 other cubs
in his troop received their Arts Belt Loop.
Then a special Commendation for Joe (on the left).  He actually works for the VFW so it was a wonderful opportunity to bring the two organizations together.  He had done a marvelous job all year training leaders and support people throughout the Far East Council.  He will be greatly missed.  Then time for a taco salad dinner for 50.  Great time.
Then home after a long day. 
 Ryan did a little Fox in Sox reading....not easy!

Followed the kids to bed again tonight!  Very busy and fun day!!