Thursday, September 20, 2012

Cruise to Goat Haunt, MT – Kootenay Lake Hike

Had a beautiful day for a boat ride as we cruised the shoreline of the Upper Waterton Lake to Goat Haunt, MT. 
Signs of fall coming...

US - Canadian Border

The scenery was beautiful and we saw 
an eagle in a tree and then watched it later fly away to it’s nest deep in the woods.  Learned that this lake freezes solid 2-3’ deep usually beginning in Nov-May.  
The “International”, the boat we were on was an 85 year old wooden boat that had been refurbished.  We were in the bow of course and got some good pictures.  
Folks can visit the Peace Park display there or just wander a small area and then get back on the boat, but if you’re hiking you have to go through Customs—the agents were on the boat with us. 
Got a stamp on our passports and left the big lense and tripod at the Ranger Station and then hiked to Kootenay Lake. 
Beautiful meadow but unfortunately, no moose munching there!
It was beautiful forest with Engleman Spruce and aspen which were turning yellow and gold as well as a forest floor of some sort of low growing maple.  Also lots of lichens and berry bushes.  It was 4.2 KM with little elevation gain.  
a Clark's Nutcracker..
and the surrounding mountains were beautiful.
The lake was interesting, but we couldn’t see a lot of it because of the willows—thus we didn’t see that moose that was supposed to be in the lake.  
 A beaver had been very busy on several of the trees.
Did have a nice lunch by the lake though and headed back.  We had about 2 hours before the boat so went through the Peace Monument there and then just kicked back and hung out.  
The ride back was on a different boat and crew and the guy speaking was much better—told a lot about the geology of the area etc.  A beautiful day with perfect weather and marvelous scenery!  Headed to the campground and made dinner—warm sleeping again tonight!