Thursday, September 26, 2013

Wythe House - A Visit with Martha Washington - 18th Century Women at the Keyboard

It was an adventure day to Colonial Williamsburg to see what's happening there...
We decided to tour the Wythe House this morning...
Looks like lunch is set.
George Wythe, a well to do mid 18th century gentleman, was a tutor, and friend of Thomas Jefferson. He was the first professor of law at an American University - William and Mary - and the first Virginian to sign the Declaration of Independence.
In addition to his large home, there are five
 major outbuildings and a large garden on his property.
Quite the lawn mower.

The Wheelwright Shop was busy today.
The volunteer docent explained wheels...fascinating.
They're burning off the rotted wood from an old wagon
so they can reuse the fittings.
We have discovered something wonderful - Visits with the Nation Builder Interpreters at Tucker House. They are open to any donors.  Today our favorite, Martha Washington was there.  Brilliant discussion!  Best kept secret in the Colonial Village.  We headed to Merchant Square for a quick lunch and then over to the Art Museum's Auditorium for 18th Century Women at the Keyboard.  They are having a workshop this week on 18th Century Music and have Concerts and Displays featuring the instruments of the era.
1762 Jacob Kirckman harpsichord from the Museum's
extensive instruments collection.
Joyce Lindorff, professor of music at Temple presented a wonderful demonstration & discussion of these instruments and women in music in the 18th Century.  John was asked to take some pictures following the performance.
We then spent some time walking through the display.
The renovations department here is outstanding.
The upper picture is how they received the instrument...
the lower is the restored instrument.  Amazing!
It was a wonderful afternoon!