Friday, September 27, 2013

Visit with Patrick Henry - The English Pianoforte - A Public Audience with the Marquis de Lafayette

After meandering through the Village for a couple of hours and dropping in on house tours and
tradesmen like this Cooper above, we headed to Tucker House for the 11:00 Visit.
Patrick Henry was the guest today.  Jean acted the
part of Patrick Henry during a 4th grade play and has
had a kinship with him ever since...he was great!
The to the Trellis where we shared a marvelous fruit salad
 and my new favorite Carolina Stew - to die for!
 Then back to the Art Museum Auditorium for yet another concert.
This time by Andrew Willis, a University of North Carolina music professor, who performed on three different pianoforte instruments from the collection.  It was a delightful presentation.  A great way to spend the afternoon.  

Following that we headed to the back of the Palace for a Public Visit with the Marquis de Lafayette.  It was outstanding.  This character interpreter is incredible.  Another wonderful experience.  This is the most wonderful place to visit!!  We went back to the Timeshare and had leftovers and packed up.  We're heading home tomorrow.