Monday, September 23, 2013

Crystal Concert - Martha Washington - Audience with George Washington - Ghosts Among Us

Had a quick breakfast and headed to the Visitor's Center to purchase some tickets to programs we wanted to attend in the next couple of days.  Then we just walked for awhile.
 One of the real joys of Williamsburg is that you can go through almost any gate and walk into the backyard.
Frequently you find lovely gardens, wells, small outbuildings...always an adventure.
We found this watering jug at the garden center in the Village..ingenious.
 The weaver shop was open today.  
 This young lady did a wonderful job explaining her trade!
 LeeAnne and Jean headed to the Palace for a tour while
John roamed with his camera.
 Bruton Parish Church
 A small private residence.
 The gunsmith shop.
 Then LeeAnne and Jean attended Dean Shostak's Crystal Concert.  His specialty is glass instruments and it was a fascinating concert.
 Benjamin Franklin made the first glass armonica.
Dean had one made and is one of 8 players of this instrument in the world.
 He had the crystal hand bells made.  Lovely sound.
 This is one of 2 glass violins in the world.  Wonderful tone.
Wikipedia describes this as "The Cristal Baschet is a musical instrument that produces sound from oscillating glass cylinders. The Cristal Baschet is also known as the Crystal Organ and the Crystal Baschet, and composed of 54 chromatically-tuned glass rods. The glass rods are rubbed with moistened fingers to produce vibrations. The sound of the Cristal Baschet is similar to that of the glass harmonica.
The vibration of the glass rods in the Cristal Baschet is passed to a heavy block of metal by a metal stem whose variable length determines the frequency produced (i.e., the note). Amplification is the result of fiberglass cones fixed in a wood frame and a tall cut out metal part, in the shape of a flame. "Whiskers", placed under the instrument to one side, amplify high-pitched sounds.
We grabbed a quick sandwich at the Cheese Shop (it was chilly eating outside!) and then headed to the Art Museum Auditorium for a Meet A Nation Builder:  Martha Washington.  What a treat!  She discussed her duties as the wife of the Commander in Chief of the Continental Army.  What a wonderful presentation.  She did take a few questions from the audience near the end.  She's a marvelous Martha interpreter! 
Did more touring of houses and visiting of craftsmen following Martha and then we headed behind the Palace for a Public Audience with George Washington.  He discussed his Continental Army and happenings of the day.  Was great to have him following the Martha talk.   We then headed to the grocery store to pick up a few things for dinner and enjoyed a little wine on the deck and dinner.
Then we got bundled up and headed back to the Village for the Ghosts Amongst Us walking tour.  We stopped at several different buildings and past residents did a brief ghost related presentation.  Then off to bed for us all.  Wonderful Day!