Thursday, April 9, 2009


Both Dad and I died at about 8:50—crashed into a wall! Had a good night sleep until about 4:30 and then dozed for awhile. Got up about 5:30. We’re dragging a little right now. We had breakfast and headed for the Pacific Aviation Museum on Ford Island in Pearl Harbor. Actually it’s right across the bay from Jill’s subdivision. It’s a huge hanger filled with old WWII aircraft and lots of pictures and videos. Small but nicely done. Colin is now talking about bombs etc. It was a little old for them I think. The planes were cool, but nothing they could interact with. Drove by the Missouri and then headed home. We dropped the boys off and then headed to buy cards and go to the post office….and ended up not taking everything we needed. Jill is going to drop Riley off at Stephanie’s this afternoon and she can mail it all then. Then we’ll get cracking with packing—Kauai tomorrow J More clouds today, but no rain so far. Kind of laid back day…and we can use it so we’re raring to go tomorrow!