Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Happy Birthday Colin!

We headed for Va. Beach this morning to celebrate Colin's 7th Birthday! How can he be 7?? Not long after we arrived, Jill was taking birthday cookies to his class for lunch and asked us to come along. What a great classroom he has!
Nice individual desks..they all have water bottles at
their desk as studies show students learn better when hydrated...
great computers...
They're reading chart to track how many books they have read at home. Colin, Emily and Caty just blasted off that morning.
It was fun to meet the kids in his class during lunch. We were very impressed with the discipline. Great School!
Whoa..look what was in Colin's lunchbox! Fun!
Mural in the main hall for the dolphins...there were many more in the school. We made a couple of stops and then picked up Ryan at school. We had some fun time with him when we got home. Then before we knew it...
the birthday boy came home on the bus...
gotta love Birthday presents....
Oh...I think he likes it!!
Putting together one of the lever projects from his lever kit.
One more birthday surprise...his old friend and
neighbor from Hawaii, Conner and his Mom came to dinner.
And Dad got home just in time for this...
Happy Birthday to you......
The boys got great taste---mint chocolate chip cake from Stone Cold -- YUM!

Conner and Ginny headed home after dinner and even though it's his birthday there is still...
Homework...but Dad got to help and he rocks at homework!
and he does a great bedtime story too...very fun day!
Thanks for letting us share it with you!