Holy Cow! Mouse number 4 met his demise last night. Think that is it! What a happy little family we were entertaining! So glad they're gone! Up this morning to some fog, but looking like it's going to break up.
We drove a little further and then stopped for lunch at the Geisel Monument State Heritage Site which commerates early settler John Geisel and his three sons who were killed by Indians in the early 1800's.
Then on to Port Orford which was established in 1851 and is the oldest town on the South Coast. The dock here is the only open-water port on the Oregon Coast and is one of six "dolly" ports in the world where recreational and commercial fishing boats are hoisted into and out of the water daily. These are the big cranes that hoist them out and place them on large trolley's that can be moved around. We saw one fishing boat being hauled out. Very interesting.