From there we returned to 101 and headed to Sunset Bay State Park. We followed the road there to the end for beautiful views of the ocean on high bluffs. While there we heard the barking of sea lions so headed back down the hill to the Simpson Reef and Shell Island Overlooks and found the following!
Hundreds of California and Stellar sea lions, literally crawling all over each other on this
Island. The tide was low so they were squeezed into a much small area than usual. It
was one noisy party!
but fascinating to see. We had the spotting scope with us to got up really close with that.
After an hour plus of beholding this we headed down the road further and stopped at the much quieter Shore Acres State Park where Louis Simpson, early timber baron had built his estate. The original mansion is gone, but the botanical gardens remain and are lovely. The roses (which actually smelled like roses) and dahlias were splendid and there was a special orchid show in the caretakers house--beautiful!

On down the road and we stopped at this overlook of the Cape Arango Lighthouse. It stands 100 feet above the ocean on an islet off Gregory Point. It's the newest of the lighthouses.
On down the road and we stopped at this overlook of the Cape Arango Lighthouse. It stands 100 feet above the ocean on an islet off Gregory Point. It's the newest of the lighthouses.
We stopped for lunch at Sunset Bay and then headed back to 101 and on to the Umpqua Lighthouse Loop. At the Lighthouse there was a platform so we watched for whales for luck this time. The Grey Whales are heading south at the moment.
Back to 101. It was heading towards evening at this point so we were beginning to look for places to lay our heads. Unfortunately, a number of forest service campground we had aimed for were closed for restoration ... so on we go. As we were going around a curve we spotted this little gem...

The Heceta Head Lighthouse, on the west side of the 1000' high Heceta Head, 205' above the ocean. This picture doesn't do it justice. The house on the right has become a very nice bed and breakfast. There was a seal below the viewpoint and we saw our first surf scoters. On we go and we entered the Oregon Dunes National Recreation Area.

and not to long after that we found our little niche of the world for tonight. Tillicum Beach campground turned out to be almost new and delightful. We were in quiet woods across from a short bluff to the beach. The sunset was delightful and the sleep good with the sound of the waves below.
The Heceta Head Lighthouse, on the west side of the 1000' high Heceta Head, 205' above the ocean. This picture doesn't do it justice. The house on the right has become a very nice bed and breakfast. There was a seal below the viewpoint and we saw our first surf scoters. On we go and we entered the Oregon Dunes National Recreation Area.
and not to long after that we found our little niche of the world for tonight. Tillicum Beach campground turned out to be almost new and delightful. We were in quiet woods across from a short bluff to the beach. The sunset was delightful and the sleep good with the sound of the waves below.