It was a leisurely morning as we just had to finish packing and clean up a little and then head to the airport. Had lunch at Costco when we made a gas stop and then turned in the car and headed in to wait for our Hawaiian Airlines flight. We were a little early and they didn't have much to do so they checked the weight on the carry on roller bag (26# limit)....too much so there was a switch to luggage of some stuffing for the big lens to the checked in luggage. First time that has happened and I'm sure wouldn't have happened if it had been busy. Easy 30 minute flight and Jill and the boys came to pick us up. Then 5 minutes to the house and it was cookie time! Needed to make Halloween cookies for the parties tomorrow. Jill had a new sugar cookie recipe that worked GREAT! Everyone had a fun time.

Ryan really got into this project!

A little assistance frosting the quality control sample.

I think this ghost needs a little more frosting.
The end product was great with plenty of pumpkins for classes and lots of quality control samples devoured. Did some last minute costume adjustments, Jill filled goodie bags for Ryan's class and we were ready for tomorrow.