These were the tidal pools where the kids played. John couldn't even get to them today!
We headed back up the beach trail (another steep one!) and then home for some lunch. Had it on the lanai with some of our favorite birds joining us. Then John headed off to a trail at the end of our Cliffs road. The first one was a dead end at the top of a cliff, but after a little searching he found another one that lead down to that area also. Beautiful!

and a cool waterfall to boot!
The tiny beach he was heading for.
View to the west....
and view to the east...
and another view to the east.
Meanwhile, Jean did a little cooking and reading and sleeping while he was gone. We got cleaned up and then headed to the wine and cheese event they always have on Mon night. Met some nice folks from California who come every year. Then home and blog time and now off to bed. A much more relaxed day!