Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The Swap Meet & Dinosaur Exhibit at Bishop Museum

We dropped the boys off at school this morning and then headed to the Swap Meet at Aloha Stadium. It's a huge bargain sale of mostly Hawaii T-shirts, clothes, some food, wood products etc. There were a couple of items that we wanted to pick up on our last trip to Hawaii.
Booths like these go all around the stadium. It's very fun and a great place to get some super bargains. This vendor was selling a ukelales
We bought some Certified Plumeria plants from King Charles for the Museum of Life and Science Butterfly House. We were assured that we could get them into the US. They do have the USDA tag on them, so we should be fine.

Then home to drop stuff off and pick up our picnic lunch and then off to pick up the boys from school and then on our way to the Bishop Museum where they have the traveling Dinosaur Exhibit. We had our picnic lunch on the lawn while we watched two dinosaurs growling and swinging their tails nearby.
Then inside to the actual exhibit....very cool. There were brief descriptors and they all moved...quite realistic and of course there were full sound effects. There were short descriptors for each family of dinosaurs and each individual model.

They had a dig table where you could carefully excavate a dinosaur. Colin and Ryan spent a fair amount of time there.

Then off to the Volcano Building. They have this great simulated Volcano that you can make smoke and sputter.
Then home and Colin changed into his baseball clothes for practice and Savannah came over to play with Ryan. They played store and then ran across a tape measure....Ryan was the tallest!!!
Taco soup for dinner which everyone devoured and then bath time, some stories and then off to bed for all.