Monday, March 21, 2011

Colin's First Spring Break Day

Up early this morning as Ryan had a Dr. appointment for an annual checkup at 7:45 then off to school for him. Colin had decided that he would like to go bowling this morning, so when Mom got home we all got ready and headed for the Bowling Alley. We met some of the neighbors there so had a really fun time.

Colin did great and Grandpa did particularly well with two strikes to finish out his game! It was a very good time! Then off to pick up Ryan at school and then Mom took us down to the big swings and dropped us off while she went to the Commissary. That was REALLY fun!
Colin really had to keep his knees out to keep them from scrapping along the grass!
After a lot of swinging we did a little running and then some quiet time under a huge tree that provided share for the whole area.

Man, what a lot of hair between those three heads!!

Mommy finally came and we headed home for lunch. Then she took off for her 8 mile run and Colin, Ryan and Grandma made Banana Pudding - YUMMMM!
Ryan and Colin are GREAT helpers in the kitchen!

Had super Enchiladas for dinner and a nice quiet evening. The end of a very nice day!