There were a number of these huge single male bison feeding along the road...
This sod house was one of the original dwellings.
We had a lunch of pyrogies, sausage, cucumber salad, stuffed cabbage rolls and borst. Very tasty and very Ukrainian!
John caught a picture of this church as we were heading out of the Village. The site was very interesting and well done. From there we went back to the Park and decided to take the Beaver Pond Trail, but no action there so headed back to the campground for a nap. After dinner we went back to the Lake to follow the Lake trail.
John got this great picture of a beaver coming on shore to dine on some reeds. We walked to the end of the trail and then came back to the car and then home to the tent and another quiet night.
One of the early barns.
This couple was about to sit down to a lunch of bulgar wheat and vegetables. They were delightful and answered all our questions about how they got there, about their family, about the crops etc.
We had a lunch of pyrogies, sausage, cucumber salad, stuffed cabbage rolls and borst. Very tasty and very Ukrainian!