Kind of a leisurely morning after a nice sunrise.
Finished the car reorganization and then turned
right out of the campground to see what was down the road.
Several small lakes and then we came upon the
Bankhead Coal Town Exhibit.

were coal deposits here so the railroad
started a mine and build a town of about 900 people in it’s hay day.
They had running water and electricity in the
houses which was quite modern for the times.
The coal was used for the steam locomotives.
It was an active and thriving community until
coal went out of fashion and the town folded and they moved the bulk of it
There are still ruins of some of the old buildings that they didn't move and good signage. Very interesting.
and the scenery was stunning from the Bankhead town! |
As it was driving into Banff!
We spent the bulk of the day at the Banff Library where they had internet access and a plug for the computer. It was a great day and I finally got caught up to yesterday! We did wander a little through town--a fun place! Back to the campground, dinner and off to bed. Nice to feel a little caught up and organized once again! Gretchen coming tomorrow :-)!!