After we got camp set up we wandered up the road a short way to Lake Astotin.
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Elk Island National Park
We had good flights to Edmonton to begin this new adventure in Canada! We got our luggage and caught a taxi to the Budget office in town. Got an upgrade and ended up with to Ford Flex that gives us a lot of room in the back for our stuff! We stopped at the Kmart that was just down the road to stock up on groceries and pick up some supplies we couldn't bring with us, then to the Outdoor store for fuel for the stove, the liquor store for a little wine and boxes to put the food in and then hit the road east to Elk Island National Park. It's only 30 miles east of Edmonton so it was a quick trip. The weather was perfect as we drove in the gate.
As we headed up the Parkway to the campground we saw a herd of Plains Bison. Caught this little guy nursing.
and this big guy just hanging out. He was HUGE! This Park is a protection area for the Plains Bison and the Wood Bison. There is a fence around the whole Park to keep predators out and the two breeds of bison separate. The Wood Bison are across the road in a separate section of the Park.
After we got camp set up we wandered up the road a short way to Lake Astotin.
On the road below our Campground is a small pond. We saw this Coot and baby feeding there.
After we got camp set up we wandered up the road a short way to Lake Astotin.