The Chippy Ho families have been very busy this week. All the squadrons have been participating in Bad Man Week prior to the Ball on Saturday. They have all sorts of sports competitions including basketball,

Dave going up for a shot!
volleyball, dodgeball, a triathalon (mini), baseball and a few others. The spouses also participate as well as support the Navy folks. Plus they are still flying and carrying on their jobs so it's been busy but very fun. We have gone to see some of the events and other times been home with Ryan. Tuesday we build a fort over the coffee table and spent some good reading time together.

Colin's homework right now is to work on his science project. He's decided to do a study of how different shapes of balloons will affect the distance they will propel a rocket.

Tonight's job is to build the rocket

Looks good!!
T-ball for Ryan and baseball for Colin were supposed to begin Tuesday, but got rained out due to lightening and thunder. We'll try again Thursday.
John got up early Wednesday morning and it was clear so he hopped on a bike and headed for the flight line where we were supposed to get the best views of Mt. Fuji. It was still very hazy, but it's the best we've seen to date! It's the snowy one in the back center.

After breakfast we headed to do a little shopping in town. We wandered through Oioi, a grocery store. The food stores and markets are delightful and everything is so fresh and bright.

Start with dessert first - yummy and elegant!

Have a mushroom!
Fresh fish combinations - off the boat this morning.

fresh and dried fish...

and live clams with fresh water running through them.
Then outside to wander the mall a little. There was a wonderful flower shop with beautiful hydrangeas and other unusual flowers. There was also this sign...

and there were these beautiful blue pansies
in the gardens around the mall...

After school all the boys went down to the hill field and practiced their throwing, catching and batting. They're both quite good!

Nice catch Colin.

You too Ryan!

Swing batter!
They also got the couch (hide-a-bed) from IKEA delivered today. Three boxes. The delivery truck couldn't come on base as he didn't have all the clearances, so Jill had to quickly borrow a van and bring it in herself. When Dave got home the boxes were opened and assembly begun.

The back cushions came flat as a pancake.
It was fun to watch them inflate.

The directions were very good!

Meanwhile, Grandma, Grandpa and the boys
watched a video of the Uncle Remus stories.
Great fun!

The base of the couch pulls out so together
they make a double bed....very comfortable!