Stopped on the way to the car for some ice cream--yum--
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
And we're off....
We were up at 3:30 am and off to the airport for a 7:35 flight to Atlanta and then on to Japan!! We're off to see Jill and family! It turned out we didn't leave RDU until 9:20. But, we got to Atlanta in plenty of time for our connection. Grabbed a quick bite to tide us over until they fed us on the plane and we were off ... well after they unloaded cargo and burned off fuel because we were too heavy for takeoff....finally left an hour late. But, then it was a great flight--great on demand movies and Jean actually got a few hours of sleep. John and I were in seats one behind the other....and after 13 1/2 very long hours we arrived at Narita Airport north of Tokyo along with our baggage :-) Sailed through immigrations and customs and got to meet Jill and they appeared in just a few minutes.
Stopped on the way to the car for some ice cream--yum--
cherry blossom ice cream in honor of all the cherry blossoms around Japan right now. Colin had run into a chair and got a beauty of a black eye...much better now!
It was very dark and rainy when we arrived. Jill had taken the boys into Tokyo to a Museum during the day and then came to get us and we headed home...about 1 1/2 drive south to Atsugi Naval Air Station. Dave and Riley were there when we finally arrived. We didn't get to see much on the drive down as it was raining really hard a good deal of the time. We had a little mac and cheese for dinner and
got the boys to bed (Colin is on Spring Break this week) and a glass of wine with conversation and about 9:45 we hit the wall (13 hour time change and 29 hours since we'd gotten up) and we crashed and had a great nights' sleep! Very happy to be here!
Stopped on the way to the car for some ice cream--yum--