We drove to Gretchen's yesterday afternoon after Dad finished his Friday volunteer activities. It was a beautiful day for a drive! Got to Christiansburg and were greeted by Mason and Gretchen! We came to mulch and celebrate Easter! She had already gotten the bulk of the mulching done and the gardens looked great! Her candy tuft is spectacular as is a lilac. She had a nice surprise for Dad after dinner.

Happy Birthday to You!
Up this morning and ready to mulch, but turns out it's not going to happen this weekend...too bad. So we decided to head to the Virginia Tech campus and visit the horticulture gardens there.

Spring is just arriving here and the bulbs are glorious. Lots of tulips, daffodils and flowering trees.

Let the photographers begin!

Bleeding Heart

There was a beautiful water element with falls...
that ran down to this wonderful pond complete with ducks.

A beautiful arbor with wisteria...
Mason, the ultimately patient photo partner.
After a wonderful couple of hours wandering around we headed back home to leave Mason and then Jean headed for her favorite Goodwill Bookstore (it's a freestanding building and wonderful!). Gretchen and John headed for Lowe's and Walmart to buy some needed items for our trip and then some new plants for Gretchen's yard.

Planting the new Carolina Jasmine...

and Gretchen in her favorite tree--a wonderful weeping
willow that is now big enough to really weep!