After lunch Jill, Ryan and John headed to Colin's school to participate in the closing ceremonies of their Culture Day. Colin had sessions in Martial Arts, Marching Band, Spanish, Ethiopian Games, Story Telling, Mochi ( a Japanese rice cake made of glutinous rice pounded into paste and molded into shape) and Origami. He had really enjoyed his day.
After that was all over we headed to the "Dirty Dish Store" to see what we could find. It's a Recycling Center with all sorts of items...much like a super Goodwill. The boys found something which we will feature on another day! Fun shopping if you had a long time--and the adventure of getting here was something too! Hurray for GPS!! Jill has one for the area that leads her into really cool places! What Japanese call a two lane street we'd never be able to maneuver! Lots of very small cars here!
After the Dirty Dish Store we headed back to a Mall we had passed to see what they had for restaurants.
You learn to always have a place to return to...parking or train when you can't read the signs! After looking at all the food options, we decided on "sushi go round".
Ryan got a chance to pound the Mochi rice too!
After that was all over we headed to the "Dirty Dish Store" to see what we could find. It's a Recycling Center with all sorts of items...much like a super Goodwill. The boys found something which we will feature on another day! Fun shopping if you had a long time--and the adventure of getting here was something too! Hurray for GPS!! Jill has one for the area that leads her into really cool places! What Japanese call a two lane street we'd never be able to maneuver! Lots of very small cars here!
After the Dirty Dish Store we headed back to a Mall we had passed to see what they had for restaurants.
Ryan added the water...
and the sushi went round....
and the boys shared a car with a great variety of sushi...
We got the impression that this particular shop didn't see a lot of cute American kids. They kept coming with the treats. This one they turned the crank and got a colored marble...both white...and the waitress brought a basket full of toys. Both boys took cars....then she returned later with lollipops. Just a fun evening!
After dinner we wandered a couple of the shops. The boys loved the's all about attitude! Then back down to the trouble...and home. Very fun day!