Played for awhile and then it was time for dinner. It was a fast prep one so we had time for a walk/ride around the neighborhood.
Looked a little threatening as we left, but only got a few sprinkles. But did have this waiting when we got home...
Definitely not a Hawaii rainbow, but still a nice full one!
The next morning I took the boys down to the neighborhood park for some time on the swings etc, but there was a distraction there.
Some of the neighborhood kids had cousins visiting and their Mom had bought rocket kits for them and we arrived just as they were about to launch them. Of course our guys were fascinated. They were invited to the launch. We chatted with them for a while and then headed home to boxes.
Colin putting his Home Depot Sat. morning classes to
good use helping Grandpa assemble the shelf.
Colin and Ryan entertaining themselves will
Jill and Grandma tackled more boxes!
Grandpa had been working really hard in the yard and it was a killer day! But, the grass was cut, the Roundup applied and it was time for a little quiet time someplace cool.
As soon as the boys saw him out there they flew to their rooms and got their suits on and were out there in a flash! So much for peace and quiet...
After they played for awhile we had a nice picnic lunch on the deck and Grandpa got back in his work duds to finish up with the weedwacker. On the other side of the fence there were some reeds growing in the water and the grass between the reeds and the fence had not been cut for ages so he headed there and got over to where the paddlewheel boat was leaning up against the fence. We turned it over and decided it should be tried out to see how it worked.
Works just fine!
But it definitely needed a bath.
The next morning I took the boys down to the neighborhood park for some time on the swings etc, but there was a distraction there.
good use helping Grandpa assemble the shelf.
Jill and Grandma tackled more boxes!
After they played for awhile we had a nice picnic lunch on the deck and Grandpa got back in his work duds to finish up with the weedwacker. On the other side of the fence there were some reeds growing in the water and the grass between the reeds and the fence had not been cut for ages so he headed there and got over to where the paddlewheel boat was leaning up against the fence. We turned it over and decided it should be tried out to see how it worked.
We all scrubbed that baby clean and moved it back down by the pond ready for the next adventure.
But before everyone changes and goes back to work....
Grandma headed back to Ryan's room and the book boxes and Jill headed to the garage and Grandpa finished up in the yard. The boys did great.
Colin dug out the good blocks and tried out
some of the techniques he'd learned after
camp at the Museum.
Meanwhile, Ryan was ready for adventure
armed with his binocs, flashlight and
sword! You never know what you'll find!
This is real progress! See all those flat boxes on the left and all that paper stuff. All that was in boxes on Monday! And now there's room for bikes! :-)
some of the techniques he'd learned after
camp at the Museum.
Meanwhile, Ryan was ready for adventure
armed with his binocs, flashlight and
sword! You never know what you'll find!
All's quiet on the home front!
With most of the work done there was some time to discover new things...a new firehouse puzzle...
and new space in the garage!!!
This little downtime before the boys head to the beach
We grabbed a sandwich right after Jill and the boys left and then headed out. It was nice to leave the house we came to on Monday as almost a home today. Enjoy it you guys!! We'll be back soon!
Jill had put out a notice on Craig's list re the boxes and got rid of some last night and the rest were going to be claimed this morning! There are only 2 or 3 unopened boxes and those are pictures that may or may not be hung during this short stay and some shop tools. Wanted to leave Dave a little of the fun. He's in cooking in Yuma AZ this week and flying!
to meet old friends looks like a"ticklebug alert" time
to me! Giggling did follow.
We grabbed a sandwich right after Jill and the boys left and then headed out. It was nice to leave the house we came to on Monday as almost a home today. Enjoy it you guys!! We'll be back soon!