The boys started out in the bonus room last night...but not all finished up there. Ryan disappeared during the night downstairs to the bunk bed. We had some pretty late sleepers.

More books while we wait for folks to wake up.

and a little cellular education for Lily.

Ann and Jon showed up unexpectedly at 7:30.
Guess the kitchen was calling to Jon.
He did wonders with those fresh eggs!


Meanwhile, the ladies prepped the ice cream
mixture so it would be plenty cold.

That looks like an interesting breakfast!

Cool hat Riley!

After breakfast we headed out to the Museum of Life and Science. Our cool weather had disappeared and it looked like it was going to be a killer day. The outside stuff first!

Ah, to the Dinosaur Trail! This is the only
one the kids can crawl on.

There are some pretty fierce ones along here..
watch out!

Jon, the geologist, was in his element
in the fossil pit. He found some great
shark teeth!

WOW, that's a big one (sharks tooth)!

Our engineer, Gretchen, doing some water studies.

Sailing, sailing..very fickle wind today!

Sending the seeds up to see how they are distributed.

Colin waiting for his seed to come down.

Ah, much cooler in the tropical butterfly
house...that tells you what it was like outside!

An owl butterfly for Noah.

and Ryan...

and Colin too..must like those Willard genes!

I flit like a butterfly...Love you Uncle Jon.

are we medium or well done? Hot, Hot, Hot!!
Too hot, time to go home. John, Colin and Ryan head inside so Colin could show Ryan where he was last week...but everyone else is cooked and ready to go someplace cool. Home we go! We bid farewell to Ann and Jon, they had a mid-afternoon flight so headed to the airport. Gretchen and Mason headed out not to long after we got back. Thanks for coming!!!

Aunt Jean/Grandma had picked up a Bug Vacuum at Tuesday Mornings several months ago. It was driving Noah to distraction in the package so we broke into it and John took them out to the garden to see what they could find. Surprisingly, not much out there.

They did find this nice butterfly.
Even the bugs are smart enough not to be out in this hot weather! They did find a few bugs, but nothing very interesting. Back in the house and the cool and it was time to start on the ice cream! We had dug out the old crank machine so needed help with the turning.

Colin and the kids first...little easier.

Jill jumped in when it got a little harder.
We turned and turned and it seemed to get thicker so called it good. Turned it into a freezer container and put it in the freezer. The kids got into their swim suits and waiting for the rest to finish the ice cream project. More books!
Then off to the pool.

The pool people were too busy having fun to get any more pictures, but they did have a great time! They returned and we had dinner and went in for the ice cream. It wasn't yet hard. Seems Aunt Jean didn't totally read the recipe and found that it called for a can of evaporated milk and she put in a can of evaporated milk - 12 oz. But, the recipe called for a 5 oz can. Whoops! Well, maybe it will freeze by tomorrow. An exhausting day and the big kids followed the little ones in pretty close! Too Hot!