Good morning Miss Lily! It's a cereal day for everybody.

And a quiet day around the neighborhood. Everybody is a little worn out from the heat and all the activity.

First activity of the day...fix the freezer. One day last week the door hadn't closed tight and with all the humidity, the freezer had frosted up nicely. Made you want to go visit that frosty fairyland every time you opened it! So, it was defrost time! Everything out and the fan in to melt all the ice and solved the problem. Seems there was ice on the track on one side and it wasn't letting the door close. Everything back in and problem solved. Thanks Grandpa!
While it was still cool outside, the kids, big and little, took off for a hike along the nature trail in the neighborhood. More books while waiting for everyone to get ready...

then out the door to discovery...
After they visited the horses they wandered to the playground by the clubhouse...

something for everybody!

a snake! just a cool hiking stick!

They all returned in a couple of hours and finished the book. They almost got through the whole old Disney travel series they really seemed to enjoy. Visited Scotland, France, US, Ireland, Canada etc.

After lunch they got out the games. We had two Candyland games...the traditional one and a Pooh one. See, it pays to keep all that old stuff of the girls :-).
About 4 it was time to venture back outside to the pool! Grandma stayed home and got stuff ready for our pizza night and cut up some mangoes for a cool treat when everyone got home. The pool folks had a blast!

When they got home and changed clothes it was time for a cold treat. The ice cream had indeed gotten hard...not rock solid, but hard so we decided to make mango milkshakes! Yummy! Fresh mango, milk, ice cream and a touch of honey...delicious. Caleb did a great job on the buttons of the blender...just the right consistency. Everybody enjoyed those.
Jill took off for Chapel Hill. Her friend Elizabeth who she rowed with in college, had invited her to a practice with her Master Rower's group. Jill hadn't rowed since college and she had a blast! So glad she got to go!
Her Facebook Comment was:
"Got to row on University Lake tonight for the first time in a VERY long time! It was awesome,
nostalgic, just plain rocked! Thanks Elizabeth!!"
Meanwhile, back in Bahama it was pizza time. We had veggies, pepperoni, cheese and pocket-less pitas and everybody made their own pizza. They did a very good job! Then finished off the banana pudding and everybody headed for bed! A much quieter day.