Saturday, July 9, 2011
Sabbath and Lake Magadi
We attended the Seventh Day Adventist Sabbath service this morning and then had lunch. Soon after we hopped in the van and headed for Lake Magadi with Bob. It was a fascinating drive through Masai country.
Magadi is the Lake that is farthest South in Kenya's Rift Valley. The guidebook says "Magadi is one of the world's most inhospitable lakes,, a shimmering pink-coloured hellscape of overpowering heat and smell with temperatures well over 100 degrees F." The factory on it's shores that produces soda ash and sodium chloride for export to the Far East and Southeast Asia.

They fill shallow pond areas with lake water and let the sun evaporate off most of the water leaving the salt. They then process the salt. This was at the edge of one of the ponds. We drove on around the lake to where the birds were and of course John was in heaven!