Following breakfast we headed for the Kendu Adventist Hospital for a tour. We started in the clinic.

We got a briefing about the unit and it's function. Fred Hardinge, on the right, is the incoming person in charge of nutrition for the General Council of the Seventh Day Adventist church so they were very thorough. We had Dr's. as well as administrators giving these briefings.

The clinic was not yet open, but there was a huge waiting line.

Outside the clinic is the water distribution area.
They provide water to local residents as a community service.

The bakery was nearby...great smell!!

On to pediatrics...only two patients there.
The parents are required to be with them.

This gentleman Nurse is in charge of the
Nursing Program and the Nurse
Training Program and the School on the

Onto OB-GYN - delivery room
The newest patient - going home today.
John and I walked along for the rest of the tour but did not go into the wards as we felt we were invading patient privacy as we had no reason to be there. It was an interesting tour. We then headed to another section and the Nursing School.

One of two classrooms. There is also a
library and a practicum room. They have
three manikins for 88 students. The
needs are great.
Following our tour we had lunch and then headed out for the Mud Pools. One of the drivers from the hospital was our guide. It was supposed to be 7 km that turned into about 20 but in the end was a great adventure. We stopped in somebodies front yard in the middle of nowhere and suddenly 15 school kids appeared and offered to show us the way.

They're over there somewhere...

They're real...bubbling pools from deep down.

One pool was hot, one cool...explain that one...

The trek back...

We met some scientists from the Smithsonian
looking for ancient bones. This is one of the
oldest areas for bones..human and animal.

The kids were really fun to walk with--
the yellow tubs are for them to collect water in.
After our drive out we headed for the Herald Publishing Company. On the way we stopped in at the local Corn Grinder for a look-see.

Then on to the Publishing Co. They publish Adventist materials in four different languages. Some of the equipment would be antiques in our world, but they get a lot of work done!

Then off to Kendu Bay and the water....

When we got there, the winds had really picked up...

These guys were trying to move their boat
to the other side of the dock.

Finally made it safely, though it was touch and go.

Meanwhile, these girls were collecting water
and carrying it home on their heads.
and not much longer and a nice sunset!
We did a quick ride back and had dinner...almost in the dark...and then headed to bed. Very good day!