After breakfast we got our stuff together and packed up the van. We then headed to the home of one of the Maasai whose wife sold jewelry at the camp.

Opening the gate...

David, our driver, explaining the significance
of the gate stick. His Mother is Maasai.

Daniel and his four children.

Entrance to the animal area...the cattle were out grazing.

The animal enclosure.

The Mother-in-laws old house. She now has a new one.
The first wife's house.

Interior of the first wife's house.

Daniel and second wife.
It was a very interesting visit. We then headed to one other village where many of the folks who were at church on Saturday live. They had some gifts for us.

We are welcomed to the village.

through the gate...

and the ladies are
dressed in their finest clothes.

a song of welcome...

and then personal welcomes and gifts of jewelry they have made.

Pricilla and her son Ben.
All of the ladies of the village have set out their products and we have the opportunity to purchase. There are 57 houses in this village compound.

Always lovely birds around.
Both visits were very interesting. Such a different and simple life these people live. I worry about the impact cell phones and modern technology will have on their lives.
Time to hit the road...

Very dry through this section...

Lunchtime again...

We had some sandwiches, apples and pencils left so gave them to kids along the road. This stop was too close to the school kids appeared from nowhere. We noted some of the kids returned...they had hidden stuff in the bushes and come back for more. David really got after them about their manners. We learned to stop for solitary herders who really needed the items more.

Loading stone onto the truck by hand. We also passed by
people breaking up rocks into gravel by hand with hammers.

Drying rice...

This little guy was very fast with his wheel and stick.

Back into the Rift Valley. There are huge farms growing
wheat and corn. Beautiful to drive through.

Back to the city...matutu stop...not for the feint of heart!

I found this sign interesting...St. Teresa Hospital and Funeral Home.
Not sure that would be my choice for health care :-)

School's out. Hundreds of kids
walking the side of the roads.
We arrived safely back at the ECD and ended up in our same rooms we had at the beginning of this adventure. We had dinner and some good reminiscing and then headed to bed. What a great trip!