John dropped Jill and the boys off at VBS and then we headed to the Swap Meet at Aloha Stadium. It's a huge sale of tourist and local products that surrounds the stadium. We had a couple of things we were looking for that we had seen when we were there before. Minimal success, but it was fun to look around. Picked up the family and then home for lunch and a change of clothes and off to Hickam Beach on Ford Island, just down the road. Figure we need to check behind the boys ears and make sure they're not growing gills! They both do GREAT in the water.
The new adventure for the day was Paddleboarding! The winds were a little strong, but they all did great anyway. It was John's first time.

Jill and Colin had had some experience so did great.

And Ryan and Jill worked on Paddleboarding 101.

The cheering sectioon declaring another GREAT DAY in Hawaii!!!