John and Lynn...
Great food, great conversation, great reason for all to gather!
A special treat was a short selection of songs by Annie! Great job!!!
Meanwhile, while all this was going on, there was action on the home front! Aunts Laura and Jeanette had arrived in town and settled in at the hotel and returned to the house to join Aunt Jean to finish preparation of the wonderful baked ziti for dinner. We had a great time getting to know each other. Again much in common, down to the point that we all went to the same Girl Scout Camps when we were little!
With the rehearsal over, everyone headed back to the house and in lightening speed the kids finished up and with prep and we were ready to serve!
Annie and Nelva mixing those salads!
Almost ready...Nate, Jeanette, Kathy, Annie, Becca, Laura & Grandma Nelva.
With the rehearsal over, everyone headed back to the house and in lightening speed the kids finished up and with prep and we were ready to serve!
It was a wonderful celebration and all are looking forward to an even greater event tomorrow!!