The tooth fairy did come last night and left a Sacagawea gold dollar coin in place of Colin's tooth! We were a little concerned that the trade winds might be a little too strong for her to fly in.
Up this morning to scrambled eggs and then off to Ko'Olina - Lagoon #1 - one of our favorite places. The tide was really low when we got there, but there were still 2 Hanu (turtles) in the cove that came by to check us out. Guess our luck is going to be good!
After a great morning at the beach we headed home and played some games on the side lawn and then had lunch and watched a Franklin movie. Before we knew it, it was time for dinner. Colin and John went out to look for fresh plumeria for the table while I got stuff together for dinner. Ryan got out his cement mixer and was playing with that on the back lanai when they returned so he and Colin did that for awhile. Just as I was about to put the tortollini into the water Mom and Dad walked in. Seems there was going to be a Kamahamaha Day Parade and the traffic was getting horrendous so they decided to head home early. They had stopped at Snorkel Bob's and picked up new fins for the boys and a snorkel mask for Ryan. He tried it out in the bathtub and did great. He can really try it out when we go to Shark's Cove tomorrow. Another great day!