WOW, we really had a fun afternoon on our visit to the Rusty Gate Farm! It belongs to Roxanne Hall Little's parents and is located between Roxboro and Oxford. The Tarr River runs through it. She had invited us up for lunch and a visit. As we were driving in, the dogs greeted us (at least some of the 5!), Tate waved from Garden No. 1 where he was planting peppers. As we drove up to the house we went around a gorgeous flower garden and Roxanne was there to meet us! She showed us around the house and then her Dad came in with snow peas and strawberries he had just picked for lunch. Her Mom was flying back from Dallas that day (she works for Delta).
After a wonderful lunch of fresh green salad, pork tenderloin and rice, sauted snow peas and fresh asparagus, we headed off for a walk to see what was happenin' on the farm. We took a nice wander through the meadow to the cow pen. These guys are short - about 3 1/2-4 feet high and furry.
The chickens have their own nice area and they were eating away. One of them went into the enclosure to lay an egg. Then we wandered down the road to the "shack" where J.Ed. used to come to hunt. It eventually will be redone and become Stephanie's (Roxanne's sister) house. She's currently in California taking a course on Certified Organic Farming and will return in November.
Then off to see the new calves and a nice walk down by the Tarr River which runs through their land just below their house. They have a huge table rock above the river and if you throw sticks the dogs will go fetch them in the river. Mason (brown) loved it - his name I can remember, but can't the other dogs.
On the way back to the house we ran across some beautiful Fire Pink flowers along the trail.
Then back to the gardens where we were able to pick nice fresh kohlrabi, kale, swiss chard and peas. Tate still was working hard at the peppers. We headed back to the house and had a wonderful strawberry pie with berries from the garden! Kathryn drove up right at 4 as promised and we got to chat with her awhile before we headed home loaded down with fresh eggs and the bounty from the garden. There's going to be some good eating around here the next few days!!
Thanks for a GREAT time to the Hall's and Littles!