After a long flight (3 actually) we arrived at shortly after 9:00 pm and got our luggage and met Jill at the pickup. Headed back to their house and hit the sack....weary travelers. Had a pretty good night's sleep (6 hour time change) and then started the day. Colin had school in the morning and Ryan played in his pool. Had a great time. Colin came home and there was some cookin' going on after lunch!
They had decided that we would have my slightly delayed birthday party that night :-) So, not to long before dinner Colin, Ryan, John and I headed out the door to go to the park (climbed trees) for awhile and came back and the house had been transformed to party! There was a huge banner across the dining room and presents on the table! We had a great dinner and birthday and all! What a special time! I loved it! Thank you all!!