Then Ryan and I got out the baseball stuff and played for quite a long time. Seems some of my pitching skills have diminished over the years, but did pretty well. We had a great time!
After lunch and Jill and Colin's return, we headed to the Macadamia Nut Farm for their tour. The "Chief" did the first part for us...he's quite a character!! It covers some of the skills needed when the Polynesians first arrived in Hawaii, to include making fire with sticks, palm weaving and cracking coconuts. Ryan loved the coconut milk. There is also a tour of the plants on the property as well as a boat trip on the fish pond. Alot of the Lost series was filmed there so many of you would recognize the area. It was a really fun afternoon.
Headed home and had a great chicken enchilada dinner and hit the hay early as we had a really early flight to Maui in the morning. Great day!