Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Iolani Palace

We hit some familiar Hawaii Five-O territory today at the statue of King Kamehameha and the Alliolani Hale behind it. The Alliolani Hale was commissioned in 1869 as a palace for Kamehameha V. Later it became government offices. Across the street is the Iolani Palace, the only seat of royalty in the US. There has been a palace at this site since Kamehameha II moved his court to Honolulu in 1850. The present palace was occupied by King Kalakaua and his sister, Queen Lili uokalani. Lots of politics and American business and government intervention helped lead to the revolution in 1893 and the end of the monarchy. Again, government offices moved in and eventually it was the "nerve center" for Hawaii Five-O. It has since been restored and tours are given daily. Pictures are of the dining room and the Throne room. After a wander of the grounds, we headed back home and had fun playing. Early night because Jill and Dave arrived home at 1:45 am instead of 8:00pm. Their plane out of Portland had maintenance issues and they had to wait for a part to come from Seattle. Poor Dave heading off at 5:30 am this morning headed back to San Francisco! But the boys were DELIGHTED to Mom home this morning!