It was up early and off to St. Luke's to work on "Q". It had been started last night and the three chefs cooked through the night and we were the crew for the last batch. There had been crews from 6-10:30; 10:30-2; 2-6 and we came in shortly after 6.

We were greeted with this lovely, fragrant sight! Yum!

Then it was chop, chop, chop for John...

John Hodges-Coople, coordinator for "Q" and
Bob Atwell, coordinator for Fall Fling touching bases.

Men slinging cleavers who have been
awake for hours and yourself!

Bob and Ginny Atwell enjoying a little calm before the storm!

The calm over and the rush began...and
was pretty steady most of the morning.

Meanwhile, the choppers are injuries!!

But the packers, weigher and topper are still at work.
The packers finished up and the kitchen got cleaned--all by about 9:00! Great job "Q" Team! Meanwhile, the sale progressed very well. At about 11:30 Bob announced that everything was 1/2 price and that helped clear tables

and then at 11:45 it was a Buck a Bag (plastic grocery size) and the tables really cleaned off then! The doors closed at noon and we helped with the pack-up.

The last of it going into boxes to be taken to Salvation Army.

Tables back and everything cleaned out by 1:00!

John drove this load to Salvation Army and returned for one more load. He and 2 other vans took all there was except the books and some "premium" items that we'll try to sell tomorrow. It was a GREAT job! Initial count of funds already in was $2500 and more to come in :-) A very fun morning with good friends!
We headed home and cleaned up and had some lunch and then headed to Berea and the Hall's Sassafrass Fork Farm Festival about 3:00. We were armed with "Q" that Roxanne, Mitzy and one other guy had purchased for the event. I brought cole slaw to go with it also.

We got there are were introduced to the newest member of the herd, a 2 day old calf who had been rejected by her Mother. They are bottle-feeding her. Very cute!

They also have a lot of new baby chicks for egg laying. They have just recently purchased a different breed for meat chickens.

We weren't there very long and it was time for the
calf to be fed. J.Ed had a lot of helpers!
Many folks came, a lot of farmers and sellers at the Roxboro Market, old friends from Chapel Hill, a wonderful cross section of folks. Very interesting group. It was potluck and the food was marvelous!

Tate, Roxanne's husband, had made a special brew - Sassafrass Octoberfest that was wonderful! Very smooth and great flavor! After most of us finished eating the two piece band started up and the caller began.

There was a small group of dancers, young and old as we left. It had been a very long day and we had a fair piece to drive home. It was nice to hit the hay tonight! What a great day!