returned from picture taking.
Then we headed down to the James River Festival they were holding today. It was GREAT!
There were some volunteers there in period dress cooking
stew for dinner and apple pies to die for in a dutch oven.
On to the apple press..easy to begin with, but got harder!
Then the corn shucker.
That is tough!
Now making corn shuck dolls...
on to hand dipped candles...

stew for dinner and apple pies to die for in a dutch oven.
Mason got alot of attention most of the afternoon.
Let's make some butter from cream...yum!
A little face painting...
Colin's turn.
We headed back to see if the apple pies had gone in
the dutch oven yet...not quite time yet. The volunteers
showed us their digs while they're here! Very Cool!
Dad's turn...he throws an accurate axe! We never knew!
the dutch oven yet...not quite time yet. The volunteers
showed us their digs while they're here! Very Cool!
A little more wandering, some great Brunswick Stew cooked over the fire and then we headed back to the campground for some dinner.
John and Dave build a mean fire! It was great for the Somores...needed to use up the supplies :-) Had our own bonfire! When it got dark Gretchen and Mom headed down to the Canoe Landing to do some more star pictures. Check out for Gretchen's great pictures. Very cool Milky Way! Came back and talked around the campfire and then one by one we headed to bed...all by about 9:30. What a GREAT day!!! Camping Rocks!