We dropped Colin off at school and the three of us headed for the Lighthouse trail at Makapu'u Head. The weather was great and we got off early enough that it wasn't too hot walking up the trail. It's very arid in this section of Oahu. Lots of prickly pears and other cactus as well as grasses growing on the volcanic rock. We had Ryan and the monster lens in the Bob jogging stroller so it was a workout getting up the hill! At the top, however, it was worth the walk. We had been there before to see the lighthouse, but this time, just as we were heading up the hill you could hear the whoosh of wind as a hang glider whizzed by the lookout point. He spent alot of time wandering the area. Quite spectacular, but he was out done by the Humpback whales in the water below. We saw one Mom and baby. She hung around for a long time just below the surface so she was easy to follow. She came up for air frequently and spouted out the water but no dramatic breeching today. Was really cool to even see them though. There was a woman up there that told John a couple of good places to go and times that were best so who knows what we'll find!
Catchup--The fireworks were great on Friday night. We had a fun time at the military hotel in Waikiki. Grabbed some food from the snack shop and then the boys played in the wading pool until just before the fireworks began. Very nice!!
Jill and Gretchen headed for Kauai on Monday morning for three days of just girl time! They seem to be having a GREAT time and so are we! Love having those little guys to ourselves. Dave home in the evening. Tonight we did a special Thank You Daddy! night complete with signs and chain decorations. Steak dinner and a very fun evening! Girls will come home tomorrow so we can prepare for Ryan's 3rd birthday on Thursday and party on Saturday. Having a ball!
PS. That's a red footed boobie at the top....they were flying all around the point.