Colin had school, Dave had work and Jill had errands and morning volunteer duty at the school library so we had Ryan all to ourselves. We headed to the Children's Discovery Museum. What a fun time! Think Grandma had as much fun as Ryan!
The Museum is great and probably the best Children's Museum we have been to. Quite extensive and lots of areas. The whole upstairs on one side is all Polynesian stuff...pineapple fields where they can harvest pineapples; village houses; musical instruments etc. On the other upstairs there is a big section on international areas with small house like areas where they can cook traditional foods and lots of traditional decorations around the house area. Some have small crafts you can do also. We really had fun in the Portuguese section where we fished and then fixed fish stew and enjoyed dinner. Same with the Chinese and Japanese sections....very much fun! Headed home and the boys rested this afternoon and we're about to head to Waikiki to enjoy the evening with music, dinner and fireworks! Hopefully Gretchen will arrive tomorrow around noon! She's had no end of cancelled flights, mechanical problems and is now stuck in Los Angeles until tomorrow morning. They're paying for her lodging, dinner and transportation to the Hotel. We're out of here!