Sunday, September 20, 2009
Box Cars and Air Show
Since today was really Colin's birthday, he got to pick out the activities for the day...and he made GREAT choices. We headed north and spent an hour riding in the box cars. You had to be 5 to drive by yourself so Colin just slid in. Had it pretty well under control by the time we left.

Then we headed to Hickam Air Force Base for the Wings over the Pacific Airshow. There were lots of planes on the ground, bombers, fighters, tankers etc, helicopters, fire engines etc. You name it, even the Admiral's 747 was out. Most of them you could walk through and sit in the cockpits, much to the thrill of two little guys! Then the highlight was the Thunderbirds performance. Quite amazing. Makes for sweaty hands and chills down the back when they are passing each other just feet apart! Great show. We then headed home to have mac and cheese with chicken and peas for dinner--Colin's choice! Yum! Another very fun day! Thanks Colin!