Saturday, September 19, 2009
Back to O'ahu, Soccer, Colin's Birthday Party
Busy, busy day today. We got up at 4:30 to pack the car and head to the airport. Flight left on time and Jill picked us up and we headed home to all sorts of exciting preparation for the Birthday Party! The Theme was Out of this World with rockets and all sorts of fun things. Jill made a Rocket cake and John and Dave helped fill the water balloons for the planet toss.

Then Dave, John and the boys disappeared for Colin's soccer game. He's getting quite good..much more aggressive than we saw him in Virginia Beach. They don't keep score so no winners or loosers. They all came home hot and tired so boys had a nap, Dave and John got cleaned up and Jill and Mom set up for the party at the clubhouse across the street. At 3:00 24 kids (counting siblings) and parents arrived to celebrate birthday #5! I had met a few of them when we first arrived. Nice bunch. There was a rousing game of comet, comet asteroid (duck, duck goose) and a pinata as well as pizza, cake and ice cream. Quite the celebration! Everyone cleared out about 6 and we headed home to open presents and regroup. Got the boys to bed and then got the rest of the mess cleaned up and all fell into bed ourselves! Very fun day.