Broke camp this morning. Piece of cake with the new tent. Headed to Biscayne National Park where John was going on a snorkeling trip. We stopped at
Paurotis Pond where the ranger had told us we'd there was a wood stork rookery and discovered where all the herons etc in the park were spending their time. There were hundreds of white and snowy heron, white and glossy (black) ibis, wood storks, green herons,
rosea spoonbills, etc, etc, etc. Most of the babies had fledged, but there were still a few screaming when Mom came home with food for them. It was really fun watching all the commotion! On to the Royal Palm visitor's center and the
Anhinga Trail....a short trail alongside a canal. A few alligators and dozens and dozens of black buzzards. We saw one large soft shelled turtle trying to lay eggs with a dozen or so buzzards around her....ugly. Then John called
Biscayne to get a reservation and was told they wouldn't be going out today because the seas were too rough. Boo. Decided to go to the
visitor's center there anyway. Not
alot there if you don't go out on the water....next time. Then on to Ft.
Lauderdale where we are spending the night. Fun day.