John woke up at 5:15 am this morning and saw the moon and stars. They shine very brightly down here--hardly need flashlights! At a more reasonable hour of the morning we headed for the trail to Bear Lake. It was a walk through mangrove forest once again. Caught some beautiful Moon Flowers, night blooming beauties that close up during the day lots of bromeliads and air plants, a tree snail and a pygmy rattlesnake crossed the trail in front of us...more about them later! At the end of the trail was Bear Lake...quite large. A hispanic family was at the end of the trail with all their fishing gear for the day. They had already caught one fish. We returned to the campground and relaxed the rest of the day. It was HOT, but there was a nice breeze coming off the water and our shady tree! At about sunset we drove to Eco Lake which was essentially dry, but we did find 6 stilts showing their shadows and reflections in the little water there. Headed back for dinner and right before hitting the hay I went to the ladies bathroom and crawling down the pipe at the sink area was another small Pygmy Rattlesnake and he very gracefully curled up under the shelf next to the sink for the night. Left the vestibules open tonight as it was quite a bit warmer. Nice to look up at the big dipper when I woke up during the night! Ah, nature!