We found another great spot today on Oahu - Shark's Cove! It was another enclosed area with wonderful fish. John, Colin and Jean snorkeled today and saw great fish. A new one we saw was a Christmas
Wrass on this page. Also lots of sea urchins and quite a number of fish we can't identify--to the library tomorrow to find out their names! Colin met some kids that were finding snails so he was explaining them to his Mom and Ryan. As we were leaving the tide was coming in and there was a great waterfall as the waves began to crash over the rocks. It was a great day of adventure on the North Shore. We snorkeled and then returned to
Haliewa to the Bakery and had a wonderful Hawaiian fresh fruit
smoothy from a local store....sublime! Then we decided to go to the end of the road on the North Shore and it was wonderful volcanic rocks with small
tide pools. We found crabs and
alot of coral as well as great waves. Headed home to a fun rainstorm and Colin and Grandma did some great rain splashing. They don't seem to have thunder and lightning storms here so it's great to go out in the rain and have fun. A more restful day but full of excitement and fun. The boys were great--and Mom too! Daddy home tomorrow :-)