Big Celebrations today! The Easter Bunny came and hid lots of eggs and left goodies! After breakfast we headed to Kilauea and All Saints Episcopal Church to Celebrate EASTER! It was a beautiful black stone church with wonderful stained glass windows. The highlight of the service was the flowering of the cross. They had a 5' chicken wire cross with palm fronts across the back. During the service we all added flowers to the back of the cross. There were basketsfull of gorgeous tropical flowers. Just before communion they turned it around. The Sr. Warden had said before we started that it was so show that all of us working together could make beautiful things! They had guava juice and goodies on the lawn after the service. We headed back and Jill and Dave changed into their hiking clothes and we all jumped in the car and took them literally to the end of the road to hike the Kalalau Trail to Hanakapi'al Beach and then up the valley to the Hanakapiai Falls - a 300' waterfall with a refreshingly cool swimming pool at the bottom. Meanwhile the boys and grandmparents headed back to Annini Beach which was supposed to be great for kids. Directions and signage have alot to be desired on Kauai and we actually ended up at Kilauea Beach instead...much rougher surf...but we had lunch and played in the sand for awhile and headed back. We hid eggs and played and then watched Flossie and the Fox and headed back to pick up Mom and Dad. We had a barrage of questions about Flossie and the Fox. Colin's favorite response is "why". We stopped at the overview of the Taro fields and a couple of beaches to get pictures and arrived just in time to pick up Mom and Dad right off the trail. Headed home to grilled chicken and then a trip out to celebrate Grandpa's birthday with ICE CREAM! Quite a delightful day!