We're off to Kamakura today to visit some temples. We took four trains to get there and arrived at the north station right by the Zen Engaku-ji Temple. It was a beautiful day for wandering the grounds of this Temple founded in 1282. Many of the original buildings have been destroyed by fire and earthquakes but it is still considered one of the best remaining examples of architecture from the Kamakura period.
Beautiful grounds and buildings.
The Hokan Shaka Nyorai, the principal object of worship of Engakuji.
Many of the Japanese Maples have dropped their
leaves but the remaining ones are magnificent!
Great to have a family outing with everyone here!!
The ginko leaves are golden and plentiful.
Beautiful camellias everywhere!
Ryan made a great bird find - this Kingfisher known as a Kawasemi in Japanese was fishing in a pond on the temple grounds. His feathers were iridescent particularly the blue stripe down his back. He would dart in and out of the water with his tiny fish.
A tiny fish is in his mouth.
This unidentified fellow was flitting around too!
This kite was one of many we've seen in this area.
On down the road to the Kencho-ji Temple. It overlooks Kamakura all the way to Sagami Bay. It is one of the most important of Kamakura's medieval Zen temples.
The Temple Bell with wonderful thatch roof.
The Buddha

The view over Sagami Bay. Looks like a beautiful beach.
The view over Sagami Bay. Looks like a beautiful beach.
Juniper walkway - trees were planted over 750 years ago
from seeds the Founder brought from China.
Dave and the boys left us at this point to return for practice.
Tori gates on the way up the mountain behind the temple.
Banners waving along the path...lots of steep steps!
Almost there! The observation deck is at the top.
About 20 Shinto bronze statues protect the Temple.
Tremendous view from here! If it were clear we could see Mt. Fuji.
Back down we go.
We caught the train back and Dave cooked dinner and the Jill and Dave got cleaned up and headed to the NAF Atsugi Christmas Party. It was a GREAT day!